Very strict rules apply when entering images in ‘nature’ competitions at Club level! For example, images that directly or indirectly show any human activity that threatens the life or welfare of a living organism are forbidden. That is both good and understandable. Human beings should be...
‘Convivial’ might be the most appropriate word to describe the nature of the gathering of the three Photographic Clubs on the island, the Isle of Man Photographic Society – formed way back in 1938 - the Southern Photographic Society, formed in 1971, and the Western Photographic...
The Society’s Vice-President is not one known for the use of overly effusive language. So, when he described in his closing remarks to yet another successful Society evening that the visit of our guest adjudicator on the night had been “like a breath of fresh air” was praise indeed!...
The adverse weather that often greets the start of a new year caused disruption to the Society’s Winter programme, once more, after Christmas and a previously planned evening, postponed from its original slot, was finally able to be held in mid-January, 2025!
Table top Reflections...
The final meeting of the old year began with a projection of images for the latest monthly Challenge, the topic being “After Dark.” The evening was introduced by Society President, Andrew Cairns, who quickly summarised several changes to the scheduled 2024/25 Programme. More about...
It’s that time of the year again when our regular meetings are prone to postponement or, even, cancellation in the interests of members’ safety. The Island’s roads can become quite treacherous during the Winter months because of adverse weather conditions. It is often the case that...
Photography enthusiasts and regular readers of this column might recall that last month ended in a similar fashion to the way this month has begun, with a return visit by popular ‘local’ photographer, Jason Kinrade, as the guest speaker and tutor. Incidentally, Jason revealed that he...
Experienced ‘local’ photographer and judge, author and researcher, Patricia Tutt was the guest when the Society members (and several guests) gathered for the first ‘open’ competition for prints and projected digital images last week. Patricia, says her career in Malawi, and the British...
These are exciting times for the Island’s oldest established Photographic Society (also known as Isle of Man Photography Club) as it prepares for the start of yet another new season of events, with a Programme (...