News 2020-2021

IOMPS Courier Report for 30th April
Posted on Wed 9 Jun 2021
Courier Report 300421
As in previous weeks, Covid precautions meant there was no meeting for the IOM Photographic Society, but giving once again the opportunity to use our cameras. This week our subject...
Garden Birds
Posted on Thu 3 Jun 2021

Given the instructions to avoid going out, now is a good opportunity to photograph the birds in your garden – they are truly beautiful, each species has its own special charm, and they make great subjects. But getting a high-impact shot can be difficult – many species are shy of allowing humans...

Posted on Wed 2 Jun 2021

The “wee beasties” in your garden…

Following on from a previous article about depth of field, this week we will look at photographing insects and the “wee beasties” to be found in the garden – spiders, beetles, butterflies, and even snails for example. The advantage is that...

The Magic of Mono
Posted on Wed 2 Jun 2021

For those of us of an older generation, photography started as a black and white medium – in a cupboard under the stairs or in a bathroom draped with black-out cloth, smothered in the smell of developer and fixer, our prints hanging from a clothes line hung over the bath or a basin….  and...

Posted on Wed 2 Jun 2021

“When the going gets tough….”

In the absence of a regular weekly report of our meetings and in the current unusual circumstances, the IOM Photographic Society is taking the opportunity to provide some insight into the art of photography and some techniques and guidelines...

“Still Life” – fine art at its finest?
Posted on Wed 2 Jun 2021

Still life images are a fundamental skill for anyone with a camera – the reasons are many but essentially a still life is the rare opportunity to take an image totally under the photographer’s control, and in some respects similar to painting. The subject matter is inanimate –...

IOMPS Courier Report for 28th May
Posted on Fri 28 May 2021
Courier Report 280521

The season of weekly meetings of the IOM Photographic Society has now finished and it is...

IOMPS Courier Report for 26th February
Posted on Fri 26 Feb 2021
Courier Report 260221
Our Vice President, Ruth Nicholls, introduced James Brew as our guest presenter last week. James, a local photographer who has only ever used a digital camera, began his...
IOMPS Courier Report for 19th February
Posted on Fri 12 Feb 2021
Courier Report 190221

The IOM Photographic Society had the pleasure this week of welcoming Dorothy Flint to present a host of her travel images, and to comment on them during the showing. Dorothy is a...

IOMPS Courier Report for 12th February
Posted on Fri 12 Feb 2021
Courier Report 120221

In the absence of a regular weekly meeting, this week saw the return of our annual “Three Way Battle” with the Oldham and Rochdale clubs. This is...

IOMPS Courier Report for 5th February
Posted on Fri 5 Feb 2021
Courier Report 050221

With the current circumstances requiring cancellation of thiweek’s meeting of the IOM Photographic Society, this...

IOMPS Courier Report for 29th January
Posted on Fri 29 Jan 2021
Courier Report 290121
The Isle of Man Photographic Society is supported by the Arts Council
“Chasing The Light”

Another week of the covid19...

IOMPS Courier Report for 22nd January
Posted on Fri 22 Jan 2021
Courier Report 220121
The Isle of Man Photographic Society is supported by the Arts Council
The covid19 restrictions on travel and social activities have...
IOMPS Courier Report for 15th January
Posted on Fri 15 Jan 2021
Courier Report 150121
The Isle of Man Photographic Society is supported by the Arts Council

Well, to quote Robbie Burns – “the best laid schemes o’ mice and men gang aft a-gley” – and...

IOMPS Courier Report for 8th January
Posted on Fri 8 Jan 2021
Courier Report 080121
The Isle of Man Photographic Society is supported by the Arts Council

The IOM Photographic Society provides a weekly programme of meetings during the period late September...

IOMPS Courier Report for 1st January
Posted on Fri 1 Jan 2021
Courier Report 010121
The Isle of Man Photographic Society is supported by the Arts CouncilA review of the season so far for the IOM Photographic Society would reflect one of success despite the obvious problems created by...
IOMPS Courier Report for 25th December
Posted on Fri 25 Dec 2020
Courier Report 251220

The Isle of Man Photographic Society is supported by the Arts Council

The IOM Photographic Society’s meeting this week was a social evening, an opportunity to relax with fellow photographers and...
IOMPS Courier Report for 18th December
Posted on Fri 18 Dec 2020
Courier Report 181220

The Isle of Man Photographic Society is supported by the Arts Council

The IOMPS this week held the judging of the 2nd Open Competition of the...

IOMPS Courier Report for 11th December
Posted on Fri 11 Dec 2020
Courier Report 111220

The meeting of the IOM Photographic Society this week was a showing of the much...

IOMPS Courier Report for 4th December
Posted on Fri 4 Dec 2020
Courier Report 041220

The IOM Photographic Society this week held its first assignment competition of the season, the set subject being “Still Life”, in theory a very easy theme in that the photographer has total control over...

IOMPS Courier Report for 27th November
Posted on Fri 27 Nov 2020
Courier Report 271120


The Three Way Digital Battle is the only occasion in the year when all three of the island’s photographic societies meet as a group in friendly competition, to share a mutual enthusiasm for taking...

IOMPS Courier Report for 20th November
Posted on Fri 20 Nov 2020
Courier Report 201120

The judging of the first Open Competition of the season was the subject for this week’s meeting of the IOM Photographic Society, comprising nearly 60 digital images and more than 30 prints, These were being judged in both Monochrome and...

IOMPS Courier Report for 13th November
Posted on Fri 13 Nov 2020

Isle of Man Photographic Society

Hot on the heels of the Society’s annual photographic competitions, delayed this year until November because of the Pandemic, came the annual two-way ‘battle’ with the North West Bristol Camera Club. 


IOMPS Courier Report for 6th November
Posted on Fri 6 Nov 2020

Courier Report 061120

The IOM Photographic Society had a filled-to-the-brim audience for the latest meeting – a judging of the delayed Annual Projected Digital Images competition, one sponsored by the Arts Council whose support is very gratefully acknowledged. Our judge...

IOMPS Courier Report for 30th October
Posted on Fri 30 Oct 2020
Courier Report 301020

This week the IOM Photographic Society held their annual competition for the Bank Cup, the assignment being “Nature”. We were very fortunate to have Neil Morris, Managing Director of Manx Birdlife and a lifelong advocate for nature and...

IOMPS Courier Report for 23rd October
Posted on Fri 23 Oct 2020
The ins and outs of judging photography…

We all like looking at images – it’s part of our everyday lives when reading a newspaper or watching television. And we all know when we see a really striking image, one with that extra “wow” factor that makes an impact,...

IOMPS Courier Report for 16th October
Posted on Fri 16 Oct 2020
Annual Print Competition

This week, the President of the IOM Photographic Society, Jeremy Broome-Smith, welcomed back members for the start of our regular Wednesday evening meetings and hoped they would enjoy the superb facilities at our new venue of the St John...

IOMPS extra
Posted on Fri 9 Oct 2020

The Isle of Man Photographic Society is delighted that at last we are able to re-start our club meetings. The first one this season is extra special! 

We are starting with a flourish! Our first meeting will be on 7th October at 7.30pm at the...

IOMPS Courier Report for 9th October
Posted on Fri 9 Oct 2020
Autumn is now with us – that “season of mists and mellow fruitfulness” - and I am delighted to report that the regular Wednesday evening meetings of the IOM Photographic Society have once again recommenced, this year meeting at the St John Ambulance Brigade HQ on Glecrutchery Road....
IOMPS Courier Report for 21st May
Posted on Thu 21 May 2020
Courier Report 210521

Our programme of weekly meetings for the IOM Photographic Society concluded this week with the judging of our second assignment, this one being on the topic of “Book /...

IOMPS Courier Report for 14th May
Posted on Thu 14 May 2020
Courier Report 140521

There was again no meeting for the IOM Photographic Society this week. However the recent excellent if rather cold weather has given opportunity to explore our countryside and to develop an...

IOMPS Courier Report for 7th May
Posted on Thu 7 May 2020
The Covid-19 situation again meant that there was no meeting this week for the IOM Photographic Society – but our weekly club meetings ...
IOMPS Courier Report for 23rd April
Posted on Thu 23 Apr 2020
Courier Report 230421
The Covid-19 lockdown again meant the IOM Photographic Society meeting was cancelled this week. However, it has provided the perfect opportunity to explore some of our glens...
IOMPS Courier Report for 16th April
Posted on Thu 16 Apr 2020
Courier Report 160421

The IOM Photographic Society’s meeting was again cancelled this week due to the Covid-19 lockdown still continuing, However, it has provided the perfect opportunity to explore and enjoy some of the delights of the...

IOMPS Courier Report for 9th April
Posted on Thu 9 Apr 2020
Courier Report 090421

The Covid-19 lockdown continues, so again the IOM Photographic Society meeting was cancelled this week. However, it has provided the perfect opportunity to explore and enjoy...

IOMPS Courier Report for 2nd April
Posted on Thu 2 Apr 2020
Courier Report 020421

With the island still in lockdown, there was again no meeting this week for the IOM Photographic Society. However, as with my article last week, lockdown has provided the opportunity to get some exercise...

IOMPS Courier Report for 26th March
Posted on Thu 26 Mar 2020
Courier Report 260321
Due to the Covid-19 situation, the IOM Photographic Society meeting was again cancelled this week. Last week’s article commented on long exposure / slow shutter speed photography and the effects that...
IOMPS Courier Report for 19th March
Posted on Thu 19 Mar 2020
Courier Report 190321

There was no meeting for the IOM Photographic Society again this week, so my topic is long exposure photography, a subject that can be practised at home.. Most...

IOMPS Courier Report for 12th March
Posted on Thu 12 Mar 2020
Courier Report 120321

Another week of lockdown…. Another week when the IOM Photographic Society was forced to cancel its weekly meeting…. Another week when a Zoom session provided the photographic interest for our members. Fortuitously, it was on the subject of...

IOMPS Courier Report for 5th March
Posted on Thu 5 Mar 2020

This week, as a result of the uncertain situation with the Covid outbreak, the IOM Photographic Society postponed its meeting. The alternative offering was to tune in to a Zoom session on the subject of “street photography” which proved very interesting and well presented.
