
Courier Report 18th October 2024
Posted on Fri 18 Oct 2024
Over its long and distinguished history, the Isle of Man Photographic Society, which is now fast approaching its 90th birthday, has entertained many guest speakers. So, it was unsurprising for members to be able to spend a wonderful evening in October in the company of ‘local’...
Courier Report 4th October 2024
Posted on Fri 18 Oct 2024
The Society welcomed the unanimous election of President, Andrew Cairns, at the start of the new Season and then looked forward with eager anticipation as he began a gentle introduction to the 2024/25 Programme. Setting out the delights which have been carefully planned to entertain us...
NEW SEASON BEGINS NEXT WEEK: Wednesday 25th September
Posted on Fri 20 Sep 2024

These are exciting times for the Island’s oldest established Photographic Society (also known as Isle of Man Photography Club) as it prepares for the start of yet another new season of events, with a Programme (...

Courier Report 19th April 2024
Posted on Sun 14 Apr 2024
There are two significant events that usually occur in April, the warmth of Spring and the Isle of Man Photography Club Annual Competition. Sadly, this year there has been no sign of temperatures rising so far, only the wettest April day on record and Storm Kathleen. Thankfully the Isle...
Courier Report 5th April 2024
Posted on Sun 31 Mar 2024
If there is one genre of photography that is guaranteed to be greeted with ‘oohs and aahs,’ it is images of cute, young babies! Such was the case when a former member of the Photographic Society, Nessie Gillen, agreed to come to the St John Ambulance HQ to give helpful tips and advice...
Courier Report 22nd March 2024
Posted on Sun 17 Mar 2024
All Clubs and Societies, not only on the Isle of Man, need to demonstrate a degree of ingenuity in being willing to adapt to change - for change is all around us. The Isle of Man Photographic Society is not only the oldest on the Island, but one which is an excellent example...
Courier Report 8th March 2024
Posted on Sun 3 Mar 2024
As spring is just around the corner it seemed a good time for the Isle of Man Photography Club to hold its annual Nature Competition. The Nature Competition, ironically held on a very wet Wednesday evening, is a competition that often brings out the best in club members with an array of...
Courier Report 23rd February 2024
Posted on Sun 18 Feb 2024
It might have been Valentine’s night, but the only love in evidence at the St John headquarters was for a love of photography as a hobby. (Not that members of the Society are unromantic, of course!) It was not too surprising that the numbers who attended were lower than usual, but any...
Courier Report 9th February 2024
Posted on Sun 4 Feb 2024
After one of the stormiest Winters many people can recall in several years, the most recent of which had caused a postponement of, and delay to, the IOMPS being able to resume its 2023/24 programme following the Christmas break, it was great to be able to hold our second ‘...
Courier Report 29th December 2023
Posted on Sun 24 Dec 2023

Dave Kneale from Media Isle of Man was the Society’s popular and entertaining final guest presenter for 2023, so we knew his would be a fascinating retrospective, pictorial record of the past year. In what has become an eagerly anticipated annual event now, Dave showed us many...

Courier Report 15th December 2023
Posted on Sun 10 Dec 2023
During the dark days to Christmas the Isle of Man Photography Club provided some very welcome illumination by holding its first assignment competition of the new season. This assignment competition was also a first for the Club with Terry Donnelly judging the competition via a Zoom link...
Courier Report 1st Decenber 2023
Posted on Sat 25 Nov 2023

Always prepared to try something new” seems to be the maxim of the Isle of Man Photographic Society (“IOM Camera Club”) as members discovered on a highly successful Wednesday evening recently. This was yet another ‘first’ for the Society...

IOMPC 85th Anniversary
Posted on Thu 16 Nov 2023

The most recent meeting of the Society marked a very special anniversary for the Island’s lonest established camera club because its members celebrated the Society’s 85th Anniversary. A specially commissioned cake was skilfully produced by Louise Hitchin from ‘...

Courier Report 17th November 2023
Posted on Thu 16 Nov 2023

Our early November evening took the form of an ‘Open’ photography competition when virtually anything could be entered as a legitimate subject matter. This, of course, makes it more difficult for our invited judge who, on this occasion, was experienced amateur photographer,...

Courier Report 3rd November 2023
Posted on Mon 30 Oct 2023
It's show time as the Isle of Man Photography Club held its first competition of the new season. With a number of changes being introduced by the committee, tonight was the first opportunity to test the new open competition format. Out have gone the Intermediate and Advanced Classes to...
Courier Report 20th October 2023
Posted on Mon 23 Oct 2023

A constant plea from the membership is “Could we please have more practical evenings to help us to learn and refine our skills?” Well, the recently elected Committee has listened carefully to these requests and has responded positively by building into the 2023/24 programme several such...

Courier Report 13th October 2023
Posted on Sat 14 Oct 2023

The previous week’s hiccup - a postponement caused by major storm Agnes – was quickly forgotten when the new Society President, Barry Murphy, introduced himself to members, old and new, last Wednesday evening. His lively presentation touched briefly on the history of the Island’s...

Courier Report 22nd September 2023
Posted on Thu 21 Sep 2023
The evenings are starting to ‘close in’ once more, a sure sign that Autumn is near and that the Man Photographic Society (now also known as the Isle of Man Photography Club) is about to resume its fortnightly meetings again. As we brace ourselves to face the cold, dark...
Courier Report 7th April 2023
Posted on Tue 4 Apr 2023

As the English philosopher and statesman, Francis Bacon, once said “Nothing is pleasant that is not spiced with variety.”  Even today, such wise words are so true.  Unsurprisingly, therefore, variety has been paramount for the Isle of Man Photographic Society recently in devising a...

Courier Report 10th March 2023
Posted on Tue 7 Mar 2023
The genial Eddie Fryer was our judge for the first meeting in March. Eddie is a long-standing member of the Western Club, so is widely regarded as being sufficiently independent, experienced and qualified to be invited to fulfil this most important roles in an objective manner. An...
Courier Report 24th February 2023
Posted on Thu 23 Feb 2023

Meeting on a Thursday evening, perhaps for the first time in a history that dates back as far as 1938, the Isle of Man Photographic Society held its third outing in the streets of our Capital City, for another tutorial on Urban Photography last week.

In the very capable...

Our next Urban Photography Event is happening this week
Posted on Sun 12 Feb 2023

Bring your camera's and join us and our models on Thursday 16th February for our next Urban Photography evening led by Andrew Barton.

We will be meeting at 7.00pm on Level 3 in Chester Street Car Park (the end nearest the Manx Museum and St Thomas' Church) and using various locations...

Courier Report 10th February 2023
Posted on Wed 8 Feb 2023

The Isle of Man Photographic Society launched into February with another ‘first’ when Ron Strathdee presented the relatively new topic of Dark Skies Astro Photography, a genre in which he specialises. Yet again, all credit is due to our Committee’s desire to introduce new ideas to...

Dark Skies/Astro Photography Presentation
Posted on Sun 29 Jan 2023

Join us on Wednesday 1st February at 7.00pm in the St John Ambulance Building, off Glencrutchery Road, for what will be a great evening of photography when Ron Strathdee will give a presentation of his Dark Skies/Astro Photography.

Courier Report 27th January 2023
Posted on Tue 24 Jan 2023

Last week, the Isle of Man Photographic Society held its second ‘Open’ competition of the season. Our judge for the night was Dave Salter from the Western Photographic Society who was welcomed by our President, Tony Curtis, and by those present. The Winter weather had...

Courier Report 13th January 2023
Posted on Fri 13 Jan 2023

Drones, these days, come in all shapes and sizes and can range in price from less than £100 to several hundreds of pounds, but they should no longer be regarded as ‘just toys’, but as the photographer’s tool! As with most purchases in life, you get what you pay for and the cheapest might...

Happy New Year
Posted on Sun 1 Jan 2023

Our first meeting of 2023, at 7.00pm this coming Wednesday 4th January at St John Ambulance Building, is now a presentation which was due to take place earlier in the season but had to be postponed so please join us this week for what will be an evening of amazing photography presented by Craig...

Courier Report 23rd December 2022
Posted on Thu 22 Dec 2022
The final meeting of the Society before Christmas saw Dave Kneale, the Chief Photographer with Isle of Man Newspapers as guest speaker. He gave a fascinating reflection of “the Year 2022 in pictures”. Sadly, attendance was seriously affected by the freezing temperatures and frosty road...
Courier Report 25th November 2022
Posted on Fri 25 Nov 2022

Determined to honour their promise, made at the start of the season, to respond positively to requests from the less experienced members to provide more opportunities to help and support them, the hard-working members of the Committee had arranged another practical evening for our...

Courier Report 11th November 2022
Posted on Fri 11 Nov 2022
Urban Photo Shoot and First Open Competition
The dark nights of Autumn and Winter might leave many people suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder - but not enthusiastic photographers! Indeed, for those keen on photography, these duller seasons...
Courier Report 28th October 2022
Posted on Fri 28 Oct 2022
Although it was only our second meeting of the new season it was a busy one as we held an indoor studio shoot with three models. We had two set ups, one with constant lighting and one with remote triggered flashes. This gave members and our visitors the chance to try out differing...
Urban Photography Evening Wednesday 26th October
Posted on Tue 25 Oct 2022

Bring your camera's and join us and our models this Wednesday 26th October for our Urban Photography evening led by Andrew Barton.

We will be meeting at 7.00pm on Level 3 in Chester Street Car Park, the end nearest the Manx Museum, and using various locations around the immediate area....

Courier Report 14th October 2022
Posted on Fri 14 Oct 2022
The Isle of Man Photographic Society was glad to be able to resume its meetings on Wednesday, 5th October, with the launch of the 2022/23 Season, but this year our meetings will be fortnightly for the first time. This first night was more in the way of a...
Courier Report 30th September 2022
Posted on Sun 2 Oct 2022

The Isle of Man Photographic Society is about to resume its meetings again now that Autumn and Winter are just around the corner! So, what better way to spend those cold, wet and windy Wednesday evenings between now and next May than among friends who have a common interest in photography...

IOMPS Programme 2022-2023
Posted on Fri 16 Sep 2022

Fortnightly meetings at St John Ambulance Building begin at 7pm and finish no later than 10pm

More location events will be added to the programme as they are arranged.


5th Oct: Introductory evening...

Courier Report 8th April 2022
Posted on Fri 8 Apr 2022
This week’s meeting of the Isle of Man Photographic Society was a nature competition held in the memory of Richard Shafto a long time member of the society. The competition also served  as a debut for the judge Dave Salter who is the Vice President of the Western Photographic...
Courier Report 25th March 2022
Posted on Fri 25 Mar 2022
At this time of the year, photographers often have to battle against the elements in order to pursue their hobby. The Isle of Man Society, in common with many others, has faced a different challenge recently with the Covid-19 Pandemic, severely restricting its...
Courier Report 18th March 2022
Posted on Fri 18 Mar 2022

For the March ‘Open’ competition, our President, Tony Curtis, was the judge in what was a Covid-enforced departure from the normal practice of having an external person to judge competitions. Tony is an experienced photographer but one who has not entered the Society’s competitions for a...

Courier Report 11th March 2022
Posted on Fri 11 Mar 2022
This week’s meeting of the Isle of Man Photography Society was a presentation from club member Andrew Cairns following his visit to Japan. Andrew has been waiting patiently for Covid restrictions to end so he could share his presentation with fellow society members. Andrew's 3 week...
Courier Report 4th March 2022
Posted on Fri 4 Mar 2022

A recording of a Zoom competition in which the IOM Photographic Society participated was the subject of this week’s meeting of the Society – and a highly unusual format provided one of the main interests.  With the Covid pandemic having caused chaos for the holding of regular photographic...

Courier Report 25th February 2022
Posted on Fri 25 Feb 2022

The Isle of Man Photographic Society enjoyed an excellent evening hearing all about the inside story of professional photography from local well-known commercial, wedding, portrait and press photographer Andrew Barton.

Andrew ...

Courier Report 18th February 2022
Posted on Fri 18 Feb 2022
It was a Competition night at this week’s meeting of the Isle of Man Photographic Society where the topic of the competition was ‘Environment’ attracting the best attendance for 2022.

The judge for the evening was John Keelan who delivered some excellent...

Courier Report 11th February 2022
Posted on Fri 11 Feb 2022
The meeting of the Isle of Man Photographic Society this week was a practical workshop with a model and full studio lighting set up. The theme for the evening was “Mining” and thanks to IOMPS President Tony Curtis and his fellow Miner James Aitchison for giving their time for what turned...
Courier Report 4th February 2022
Posted on Fri 4 Feb 2022

At the start of each new year, Society members look forward to the presentation by their President, wondering what delights he (or she) has planned to entertain us.

This year’s President, Tony Curtis, projected what he described as “a series of random...

Courier Report 28th January 2022
Posted on Fri 28 Jan 2022

With the current covid situation continuing to cause some concerns for the holding of the normal weekly indoor meetings, the IOM Photographic Society committee took the decision to switch to an outdoor session for the society’s meeting this week.

Noel Coward may well have alleged...
Courier Report 17th December 2021
Posted on Fri 17 Dec 2021
The latest meeting of the Isle of Man Photographic Society was an intriguing affair as we pitched our skill and abilities against two clubs from the adjacent Islands. Representing Northern Ireland were the Catchlight Camera Club whose pedigree includes Irish Champions 2018/19 Northern...
Courier Report 10th December 2021
Posted on Fri 10 Dec 2021

The meeting of the IOM Photographic Society this week was the occasion for the judging of the Second Open Competition, for both prints and digitally projected images.  Given the current covid situation, it was perhaps not surprising that our audience was rather smaller than normal....

Courier Report 3rd December 2021
Posted on Fri 3 Dec 2021

David Kneale, Chief Photographer with Isle of Man Newspapers, was the guest speaker for the Society’s last November evening. Interestingly, though he has judged for, and given presentations to, the Society about his many jaw-dropping experiences as a professional photographer in the...

Courier Report 26th November 2021
Posted on Fri 26 Nov 2021

This week the Isle of Man Photographic Society meeting was the first assignment of the season, entitled 'Three of a Kind'. We were delighted to be able to have this as it had to be postponed from last year's lockdown, and members had already submitted images.

Ray Davies...

Courier Report 19th November 2021
Posted on Fri 19 Nov 2021

The meeting format of the Isle of Man Photographic Society this week was a presentation by one of the IOMPS members Chris Blyth, entitled “Travels Around America.”

An introduction to the early history of the USA, including the treatment of the indigenous tribes and the...

Courier Report for the 12th November
Posted on Fri 12 Nov 2021
The meeting of the IOMPS this week was a presentation from the esteemed broadcaster and film maker Charles Guard. However, before the evening got underway President Tony Curtis took the opportunity to confirm the results from the recent 3 Way Battle, a competition held annually between...
Three Way Digital Battle 2021
Posted on Thu 11 Nov 2021

The only time in the year when all three island photographic clubs meet in competition is for the Three Way Digital Battle, the event overseen in rotation between the clubs on an annual basis. This year it was the turn of the IOM Photographic Society to...

Courier Report 5th November 2021
Posted on Tue 9 Nov 2021

The “season of mists and mellow fruitfulness” provided us with a very windy evening and heavy rain for this week’s meeting of the IOM Photographic Society – so perhaps not surprisingly it was a rather smaller group of members than usual in attendance for the 1st Open Competition of the new...

Courier Report 221021
Posted on Mon 8 Nov 2021

On Wednesday 13th October at the Isle of Man Photographic Society, we had a wonderful presentation by Dr Patricia Tutt. She is a well-known architect, and also a keen and experienced photographer.

Her topic was Composition. Her talk was lavishly illustrated with photos, she showed us...

Courier Report 291021
Posted on Mon 8 Nov 2021

Please, could you please arrange greater opportunities for us to improve our photography by holding more practical evenings?” is a plea often heard from members of the Society. It was extremely gratifying, therefore, to witness such a supportive turnout last Wednesday. The hard-...

Courier Report 151021
Posted on Fri 22 Oct 2021

The meeting format of the Isle of Man Photographic Society this week was tutorials, however before the tutorials commenced, Tony Curtis Chairman of the IOMPS announced that His Excellency Lieutenant Governor, Lieutenant General Sir John Lorimer, KCB, DSO, MBE had graciously...

Courier Report 081021
Posted on Fri 8 Oct 2021
Courier Report 081021

The first meeting of the new season of the IOMPS took place this week with a warm welcome and introduction to new members. Newly elected...

IOMPS Courier Report for 24th September
Posted on Sun 3 Oct 2021

Courier Report 240921

The nights are drawing in and this tells us that we are almost in the Season of Autumn, with Winter just around the corner! So, what better way to spend those cold, wet and windy Wednesday evenings between now and next April than among photographic (...

IOMPS Courier Report for 1st October
Posted on Sun 3 Oct 2021
Courier Report 011021

One of the events organised this summer for members of the IOM Photographic Society was an evening practical workshop...

IOMPS Courier Report for 30th April
Posted on Wed 9 Jun 2021
Courier Report 300421
As in previous weeks, Covid precautions meant there was no meeting for the IOM Photographic Society, but giving once again the opportunity to use our cameras. This week our subject...
Garden Birds
Posted on Thu 3 Jun 2021

Given the instructions to avoid going out, now is a good opportunity to photograph the birds in your garden – they are truly beautiful, each species has its own special charm, and they make great subjects. But getting a high-impact shot can be difficult – many species are shy of allowing humans...

Posted on Wed 2 Jun 2021

“When the going gets tough….”

In the absence of a regular weekly report of our meetings and in the current unusual circumstances, the IOM Photographic Society is taking the opportunity to provide some insight into the art of photography and some techniques and guidelines...

“Still Life” – fine art at its finest?
Posted on Wed 2 Jun 2021

Still life images are a fundamental skill for anyone with a camera – the reasons are many but essentially a still life is the rare opportunity to take an image totally under the photographer’s control, and in some respects similar to painting. The subject matter is inanimate –...

Posted on Wed 2 Jun 2021

The “wee beasties” in your garden…

Following on from a previous article about depth of field, this week we will look at photographing insects and the “wee beasties” to be found in the garden – spiders, beetles, butterflies, and even snails for example. The advantage is that...

The Magic of Mono
Posted on Wed 2 Jun 2021

For those of us of an older generation, photography started as a black and white medium – in a cupboard under the stairs or in a bathroom draped with black-out cloth, smothered in the smell of developer and fixer, our prints hanging from a clothes line hung over the bath or a basin….  and...

IOMPS Courier Report for 28th May
Posted on Fri 28 May 2021
Courier Report 280521

The season of weekly meetings of the IOM Photographic Society has now finished and it is...

IOMPS Courier Report for 26th February
Posted on Fri 26 Feb 2021
Courier Report 260221
Our Vice President, Ruth Nicholls, introduced James Brew as our guest presenter last week. James, a local photographer who has only ever used a digital camera, began his...
IOMPS Courier Report for 19th February
Posted on Fri 12 Feb 2021
Courier Report 190221

The IOM Photographic Society had the pleasure this week of welcoming Dorothy Flint to present a host of her travel images, and to comment on them during the showing. Dorothy is a...

IOMPS Courier Report for 12th February
Posted on Fri 12 Feb 2021
Courier Report 120221

In the absence of a regular weekly meeting, this week saw the return of our annual “Three Way Battle” with the Oldham and Rochdale clubs. This is...

IOMPS Courier Report for 5th February
Posted on Fri 5 Feb 2021
Courier Report 050221

With the current circumstances requiring cancellation of thiweek’s meeting of the IOM Photographic Society, this...

IOMPS Courier Report for 29th January
Posted on Fri 29 Jan 2021
Courier Report 290121
The Isle of Man Photographic Society is supported by the Arts Council
“Chasing The Light”

Another week of the covid19...

IOMPS Courier Report for 22nd January
Posted on Fri 22 Jan 2021
Courier Report 220121
The Isle of Man Photographic Society is supported by the Arts Council
The covid19 restrictions on travel and social activities have...
IOMPS Courier Report for 15th January
Posted on Fri 15 Jan 2021
Courier Report 150121
The Isle of Man Photographic Society is supported by the Arts Council

Well, to quote Robbie Burns – “the best laid schemes o’ mice and men gang aft a-gley” – and...

IOMPS Courier Report for 8th January
Posted on Fri 8 Jan 2021
Courier Report 080121
The Isle of Man Photographic Society is supported by the Arts Council

The IOM Photographic Society provides a weekly programme of meetings during the period late September...

IOMPS Courier Report for 1st January
Posted on Fri 1 Jan 2021
Courier Report 010121
The Isle of Man Photographic Society is supported by the Arts CouncilA review of the season so far for the IOM Photographic Society would reflect one of success despite the obvious problems created by...
IOMPS Courier Report for 25th December
Posted on Fri 25 Dec 2020
Courier Report 251220

The Isle of Man Photographic Society is supported by the Arts Council

The IOM Photographic Society’s meeting this week was a social evening, an opportunity to relax with fellow photographers and...
IOMPS Courier Report for 18th December
Posted on Fri 18 Dec 2020
Courier Report 181220

The Isle of Man Photographic Society is supported by the Arts Council

The IOMPS this week held the judging of the 2nd Open Competition of the...

IOMPS Courier Report for 11th December
Posted on Fri 11 Dec 2020
Courier Report 111220

The meeting of the IOM Photographic Society this week was a showing of the much...

IOMPS Courier Report for 4th December
Posted on Fri 4 Dec 2020
Courier Report 041220

The IOM Photographic Society this week held its first assignment competition of the season, the set subject being “Still Life”, in theory a very easy theme in that the photographer has total control over...

IOMPS Courier Report for 27th November
Posted on Fri 27 Nov 2020
Courier Report 271120


The Three Way Digital Battle is the only occasion in the year when all three of the island’s photographic societies meet as a group in friendly competition, to share a mutual enthusiasm for taking...

IOMPS Courier Report for 20th November
Posted on Fri 20 Nov 2020
Courier Report 201120

The judging of the first Open Competition of the season was the subject for this week’s meeting of the IOM Photographic Society, comprising nearly 60 digital images and more than 30 prints, These were being judged in both Monochrome and...

IOMPS Courier Report for 13th November
Posted on Fri 13 Nov 2020

Isle of Man Photographic Society

Hot on the heels of the Society’s annual photographic competitions, delayed this year until November because of the Pandemic, came the annual two-way ‘battle’ with the North West Bristol Camera Club. 


IOMPS Courier Report for 6th November
Posted on Fri 6 Nov 2020

Courier Report 061120

The IOM Photographic Society had a filled-to-the-brim audience for the latest meeting – a judging of the delayed Annual Projected Digital Images competition, one sponsored by the Arts Council whose support is very gratefully acknowledged. Our judge...

IOMPS Courier Report for 30th October
Posted on Fri 30 Oct 2020
Courier Report 301020

This week the IOM Photographic Society held their annual competition for the Bank Cup, the assignment being “Nature”. We were very fortunate to have Neil Morris, Managing Director of Manx Birdlife and a lifelong advocate for nature and...

IOMPS Courier Report for 23rd October
Posted on Fri 23 Oct 2020
The ins and outs of judging photography…

We all like looking at images – it’s part of our everyday lives when reading a newspaper or watching television. And we all know when we see a really striking image, one with that extra “wow” factor that makes an impact,...

IOMPS Courier Report for 16th October
Posted on Fri 16 Oct 2020
Annual Print Competition

This week, the President of the IOM Photographic Society, Jeremy Broome-Smith, welcomed back members for the start of our regular Wednesday evening meetings and hoped they would enjoy the superb facilities at our new venue of the St John...

IOMPS Courier Report for 9th October
Posted on Fri 9 Oct 2020
Autumn is now with us – that “season of mists and mellow fruitfulness” - and I am delighted to report that the regular Wednesday evening meetings of the IOM Photographic Society have once again recommenced, this year meeting at the St John Ambulance Brigade HQ on Glecrutchery Road....
IOMPS extra
Posted on Fri 9 Oct 2020

The Isle of Man Photographic Society is delighted that at last we are able to re-start our club meetings. The first one this season is extra special! 

We are starting with a flourish! Our first meeting will be on 7th October at 7.30pm at the...

IOMPS Courier Report for 21st May
Posted on Thu 21 May 2020
Courier Report 210521

Our programme of weekly meetings for the IOM Photographic Society concluded this week with the judging of our second assignment, this one being on the topic of “Book /...

IOMPS Courier Report for 14th May
Posted on Thu 14 May 2020
Courier Report 140521

There was again no meeting for the IOM Photographic Society this week. However the recent excellent if rather cold weather has given opportunity to explore our countryside and to develop an...

IOMPS Courier Report for 7th May
Posted on Thu 7 May 2020
The Covid-19 situation again meant that there was no meeting this week for the IOM Photographic Society – but our weekly club meetings ...
IOMPS Courier Report for 23rd April
Posted on Thu 23 Apr 2020
Courier Report 230421
The Covid-19 lockdown again meant the IOM Photographic Society meeting was cancelled this week. However, it has provided the perfect opportunity to explore some of our glens...
IOMPS Courier Report for 16th April
Posted on Thu 16 Apr 2020
Courier Report 160421

The IOM Photographic Society’s meeting was again cancelled this week due to the Covid-19 lockdown still continuing, However, it has provided the perfect opportunity to explore and enjoy some of the delights of the...

IOMPS Courier Report for 9th April
Posted on Thu 9 Apr 2020
Courier Report 090421

The Covid-19 lockdown continues, so again the IOM Photographic Society meeting was cancelled this week. However, it has provided the perfect opportunity to explore and enjoy...

IOMPS Courier Report for 2nd April
Posted on Thu 2 Apr 2020
Courier Report 020421

With the island still in lockdown, there was again no meeting this week for the IOM Photographic Society. However, as with my article last week, lockdown has provided the opportunity to get some exercise...

IOMPS Courier Report for 26th March
Posted on Thu 26 Mar 2020
Courier Report 260321
Due to the Covid-19 situation, the IOM Photographic Society meeting was again cancelled this week. Last week’s article commented on long exposure / slow shutter speed photography and the effects that...
IOMPS Courier Report for 19th March
Posted on Thu 19 Mar 2020
Courier Report 190321

There was no meeting for the IOM Photographic Society again this week, so my topic is long exposure photography, a subject that can be practised at home.. Most...

IOMPS Courier Report for 12th March
Posted on Thu 12 Mar 2020
Courier Report 120321

Another week of lockdown…. Another week when the IOM Photographic Society was forced to cancel its weekly meeting…. Another week when a Zoom session provided the photographic interest for our members. Fortuitously, it was on the subject of...

IOMPS Courier Report for 5th March
Posted on Thu 5 Mar 2020

This week, as a result of the uncertain situation with the Covid outbreak, the IOM Photographic Society postponed its meeting. The alternative offering was to tune in to a Zoom session on the subject of “street photography” which proved very interesting and well presented.
